A https Alta dashboard
Hi I’m just wondering if you plan on being back Alta dashboard I know that you removed the old one due to it being http and it was outdated and hard for some to use but I believe it was very useful when it was a thing , for example now you can’t subscribe to streams withe Alta tavern, also the time to send commands is about 4 seconds longer than it was making it a worse use possibly this is due to all the web traffic being on 1 website but I’m not sure
Anyway please could you tell me of you plan on bring it back and if not why .
Thanks F4tal
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With the v1.6.1 update, we have fixed the slow commands issue. We do not intend to bring back Dashboard in ANY capacity. If you have a suggestion for the new Tavern website, like SubScription Stream, please create a post in Game Feedback regarding that specifically.