As it stands right now, with the exception of the mines and Trials (and supposedly the new areas in the upcoming update), 100% of the loot that can be found in the game is the mediocre chest loot, which feels moderately copy-pasted, and due to them not having equipment better than iron or copper ever in them, it overloads the early-game with lots of free equipment, while adding basically nothing to late-game play.
Additionally, because the chests are the only source of repeating loot currently implemented, new areas basically have to be designed around being accessible early-game, which leads to a significant lack of content that requires >iron equipment, outside of the mines and Trials (and some of the Forest).
So while these are pretty broad suggestions and are in very likely not easy, here are my suggestions:
  1. Add a method of giving repeating loot that isn't the same 2 types of random chest loot. This could be making use of the system that the mines has where >iron equipment can be spawned in chests, or it could be something entirely new.
  2. Take some of the new content areas planned to be added in the next 6 months or so and change them to be only accessible with >iron equipment, and have rewards and challenge to match. This could be some of the stronger Turabadas, or it could be the non-Oak Goteras, which would also assist in the porting of non-Oak wood types to Quest.
  3. Implement my suggestion for the Tarn (seen here: where the minimum equipment to get to the Climbing Tower is increased, and in turn increase the difficulty and level of loot in that zone.
  4. Rebalance loot that can be found in the Forest to match these changes, as most of the loot in the Forest aside from non-Oak wood isn't worth your time beyond the first "tier" of play (copper/iron/gold metal and oak wood)
  5. Possibly rebalance some of the pre-existing content areas around these changes as well. Not necessarily something massive like making the Dust Bowl need Valyan, but perhaps the upper level of it could need Red Iron to unlock (instead of the gold it needs now) and would have a higher quantity of Crystal Wyrms, possibly other wood types and/or Goteras (preferably non-oak variants), as well as better randomized loot.